Bahçeşehir College has taken its personalized learning goal one step further with its artificial intelligence-supported applications in education. “Bahçeşehir College Artificial Intelligence” (BKAi), which includes a virtual education assistant application, meets almost every need of students regarding education, from learning to mentoring, from projects to the international school admission process.

BK Mobile General Manager İsrafil Dilmeç
Bahçeşehir College, one of Turkey's leading educational institutions, has made significant investments in the use of artificial intelligence in education in recent years.
Bahçeşehir College, which established the Metodbox platform in 2017, supported by interactive course materials, simulations, studies, homework and video conferencing, added an artificial intelligence-supported assistant feature to this system last year.

Having received positive feedback on personalized education with Metodbox, Bahçeşehir College increased its investments in artificial intelligence and signed the “Bahçeşehir College Artificial Intelligence” (BKAi) project.
Offering students a personalized learning experience with artificial intelligence support, BKAi was introduced at the launch held at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Bahçeşehir Uğur Educational Institutions President Enver Yücel.
New platform introduced
While Bahçeşehir Uğur Educational Institutions President Enver Yücel and Bahçeşehir College General Manager Özlem Dağ gave speeches, Bahçeşehir College Deputy General Manager Dr. Özge Aslan and BK Mobile General Manager İsrafil Dilmeç explained the production process and features of the new platform to the press members.
Bahçeşehir College Founder and Executive Board Member Semra Yücel and BAY Atlantic University Rector Prof. Dr. Sinem Vatanartıran also attended the launch.

Özlem Dağ, General Manager of Bahçeşehir College
"Those who own artificial intelligence own the world"
Enver Yücel drew attention to the importance of technology in education in his speech at the launch. Emphasizing that they implemented distance education for the first time in a school he founded in his own village 22 years ago and donated to the state, Enver Yücel emphasized that developing technical opportunities will facilitate equality in education. Yücel stated that the world is changing very quickly and that this change will be even faster with artificial intelligence; He stated that health, education and agriculture will be greatly affected by this situation and said, “Those who have artificial intelligence will own the world.”
"We took the personalized learning method one step further with artificial intelligence"
Bahçeşehir College General Manager Özlem Dağ stated that each student's learning speed, learning style, learning experience and personal background are different, but the same curriculum is offered to each student, and continued her words as follows:
“We have taken the personalized learning method, which we started to implement in 2007 with traditional methods, one step further with an artificial intelligence base. We have started a process where the student can evaluate their own processes independently of time and place, complete their own deficiencies, and increase this motivation and development at points where they are good according to their own progress speed, according to the student's own learning style, learning needs, learning speed, and even now with the support of artificial intelligence.”
Virtual assistant support for students from Bahçeşehir College
Stating that they have a road plan regarding artificial intelligence, Özlem Dağ said, “We are sharing the first phase of the closely targeted road plan of our Bahçeşehir College artificial intelligence vision with you. We have created our BKAi virtual student assistant integrated into the Metodbox platform. We have currently put into operation an assistant and application that has no example in the world. Because two of the four most important stakeholders in education are students and teachers. In the second step, we are preparing virtual teacher assistants. I hope that we will complete this process at the end of the second term and share this information with this team. The school management assistant and parent assistant application will come in the next term.”
The assistant, who uses the didactic method, guides students to the solution path
Describing the newly developed BKAi with presentations, Bahçeşehir College Deputy General Manager Dr. Özge Aslan stated that the system works as a virtual student assistant. Aslan said that students obtain the information they need from the materials prepared by Bahçeşehir College teachers, and therefore, it is important for the system to provide accurate information. Stating that BKAi includes personalized exams and learning materials suitable for students' learning styles, Aslan said that the system analyzes users' learning tendencies and guides them accordingly. Stating that it prepares questions according to each student's level, Aslan stated that an educational method is used for questions that cannot be solved or are asked to the assistant. Stating that the system guides students to the solution by giving hints, Aslan stated that BKAi can also determine the course topics to be studied by analyzing exam results.

Bahçeşehir College Deputy General Manager Dr. Özge Aslan
Overseas education and career guide
BKAi’nin öğrenciye katkısının sadece derslerle sınırlı olmadığını anlatan Aslan, uygulamanın öğrencilerin yurt dışı eğitim hedeflerine ulaşmalarında da kritik rol oynadığını söyledi. Öğrencilerin bilgi ve yeteneklerine göre kabul görebilecekleri okulları belirleyen sistemin, karakter ve meslek analizlerini de yaptığını belirtti. Öğrencilere en uygun kariyer yolları sunan yapay zeka destekli sistem, analizler sayesinde öğrencilerin ilgi alanlarına en uygun meslek gruplarına ve üniversitelere yönlendirilmesini de sağlıyor. Öğrencilerin yaratıcılıklarını da destekleyen sistem TÜBİTAK ve Teknofest projelerine başvuru süreçlerinde de rehberlik ederek, geleceğin bilim insanlarını yetişmesine imkan sunuyor.