Methodbox Teacher

As the student role changes with the characteristics of the new generation of students, the role of the teacher also changes. The new generation teacher has a role that plans the education-teaching process, enriches the process with multi-stimulus teaching tools, guides students and manages their learning experiences by providing individual feedback to students.
At this point, Metodbox offers the environment support that will help teachers.
Management Systems
- You can list your students according to their branches and performance levels. şube ve performans düzeylerine göre listeleyebilirsiniz.
- You can track your students' course, unit and subject performance by creating study groups according to their proficiency levels. çalışma grupları oluşturarak ders, ünite, konu performans takibini yapabilirsiniz.
- You can follow the process by creating homework and studies for the branch/working group. ödev ve etüt oluşturarak süreci takip edebilirsiniz.
- Notifications You can follow homework, study and exam announcements and be informed about new content in Metodbox. You can also send a message to a student / branch / study group.
Rich Content
- You can access course contents associated with lessons, units, topics and achievements in MEB curriculum.
- You can enrich the learning environment with subject explanation videos, question solution videos, animations, etc.
- You can easily use all of the course content in your online lectures via the smart board.

Analysis and Reports
- You can track student performance by accessing student-based result reports of the tests you sent to your students as homework.
- You can examine your students' exam results with detailed exam analysis graphs and compare them with previous exams.
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Live Lessons
- You can define, follow and easily connect to your live lessons via the video call platform/social interaction platform SeeMeet. SeeMeet You can define your live lessons, follow them and easily connect to your live lessons.
- You can offer your students a live lesson environment enriched with the tests, subject explanation videos and other content in Metodbox.