The Future of Education: Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology based on virtuality that allows us to interact with the real world in real time. It is the enriched version of the real world environment with digital content such as sound, image, animation. It offers users the opportunity to integrate their real world with the virtual world in real time and interactively with the environment.
There are many new approaches and technological applications according to the characteristics of the new generation of students. Augmented Reality applications are gaining more and more place in the field of education every day, as they can provide an environment that can meet the needs of students in a multifaceted way.
It helps students discover the world interactively. In other words, AR applications make it easier to teach subjects that cannot be experienced firsthand. AR can be used to enhance learning in the classroom, to combine content with the world outside the classroom, and to enrich individual applications with other technologies. It has recently become more widely used in education because it brings a concrete approach to learning and provides flexibility in the learning environment.
When Augmented Reality (AR) applications are used as a learning environment, it is seen that students' academic success and attitudes towards the lessons are positively affected. The positive impact of Augmented Reality (AR) applications is due to;
- It is a technology based on virtuality that enables interaction with the real world in real time,
- does not detach students from the sense of reality
- It enables to concretize abstract facts and concepts.
- providing a new and personal learning experience
- Providing multimedia that increases student motivation
plays an important role.
While allowing students to learn at their own pace, it also develops students' creativity and imagination. AR also contributes to students' acquisition of permanent knowledge by increasing sensory interaction.
Augmented Reality applications, which offer users a brand new learning experience where the real world and the virtual world coexist, will be used more in education.